Transpersonal Mentorship and Rites of Transformation
Transpersonal Mentorship and Rituals of Transformation bridge the realm of emotional growth and experiential spirituality. Non-dogmatic, exploratory and supportive, these sessions are intended to support the individual, couple or small group in coming into greater awareness of the power of ritual and the transformative potential that such has to offer to both human and non-human life. Working with dreams, breath and physical movement, discovering or strengthening one's inherent sacred gifts, gaining or deepening intuitive insight, and co-creative spiritual exploration form the foundation of these sessions. Whether one is committed to a particular tradition or lineage or wary of such, sessions are tailored to the specific needs, goals and desires of the each individual and the unique landscape that supports them.
Recommended Reading
Healing Our Deepest Wounds: The Holotropic Paradigm Shift by Stanislov Grof
Your Brain on Nature by Eva Selhub
Super Consciousness: The Quest for the Peak Experience by Colin Wilson
Psychedelic Healing: The Promise of Entheogens for Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development by Neal Goldsmith
Healing Our Deepest Wounds: The Holotropic Paradigm Shift by Stanislov Grof
Your Brain on Nature by Eva Selhub
Super Consciousness: The Quest for the Peak Experience by Colin Wilson
Psychedelic Healing: The Promise of Entheogens for Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development by Neal Goldsmith